Happy New Year Troop 1905!!! We hope your family enjoyed a happy holiday season with a beautiful white Christmas here in Southern Indiana.
We have alot planned for 2011 and are kicking off the new year with COOKIE SALES!!!
Girl Scout Cookie Time
That's right it's Girl Scout Cookie time. There is no better way to warm up those winter time chills than with a yummy Thin Mint and some hot chocolate. Scouts can take orders now and should have a cookie sales packet, provided at the Christmas party at Bob Evans. If you did not receive one, please contact Regina Brown for your packet ASAP. The clocks ticking and we need to get moving. More sales means more money for the Troop for badges, Try-Its, fun activities and for our Gatlinburg trip this summer. Hear are some important dates to remember:
Order forms are due to Regina on January 20th (yes that is NOT a typo... 16 days) so get busy. Remember, money is collected when cookies are delivered, not when orders are taken.
Cookie Booths start February 26th and end March 20th. All girls need to work one booth and girls going on the Gatlinburg trip need to work two or more booths. A sign-up sheet with be available February 20th.
Cookie delivery will start February 14th.
All money is due to Regina NO LATER than the March 17th meeting.
Our Troop goal is 8,050 boxes, which averages out to 350 boxes per girl. It sounds like a lot but these girls can do it!!
Gatlinburg, TN Trip
Our Gatlinburg, TN trip is scheduled for June 24th - June 27th. The due date has been extended to sign up for the Gatlinburg, TN trip. Deposits are due to Regina by January 20th and are $50 per person. An additional $150 for each "parent/none scout" going is due April 21st.
We have reservations for 5 cabins at Clabough Campgrounds. Each cabin sleeps 6, has a fully equipped kitchen, A/C and bathroom. The camp site is awesome!!! There are 2 swimming pools, a lazy river and a game room all on site. This is a very clean and well cared for camp ground facility. Regina has also planned some exciting things for us to do!

We will be going to Wonder Works, website
here for more info, which is an upside-down amusement park for the mind, featuring over 100 interactive exhibits to spark the imagination. The girls will be able to earn a Wonder Works badge.
Regina is also looking into Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum. We will add more information on the trip when reservations are made.
Don't forget!!! January 20th is the latest you can sign-up for our trip. It's going to be a great time, so be sure to get your deposit in on time.
Regina is also planning something special for the girls who will not be able to go on the Gatlinburg, TN trip.
This month's meetings are on January 6th and 20th.
See you Thursday!!!