Our Camping trip to Camp Stem Adventure Center was a HUGE success!! Almost our entire troop attended. The girls had a blast and showed that they were true Girl Scouts. We are very proud of you girls!! All this never would have been possible without the hard work and planning by out fearless leader, Regina Brown, and the hard work of the moms that went along. We are already looking forward to our next camping adventure.
Don't forget Fall Product money is due by November 28th. Please contact Regina if you haven't yet.
We have a busy month coming up. Our December meetings will be December 2nd and 16th. Our Christmas party will be held during our December 16th meeting. Each girl will need to bring a $5 gift and a covered dish. We will pass around a covered-dish sign-up sheet at the December 2nd meeting.
Our Troop will also be adopting a less fortunate family for Christmas this year. We are making crafts to sell at the Holiday Bazaar on December 11th at Speed Church. This money will go towards caring for this family. We will also be accepting donations of can goods and toys. We will need Troop voluntees to work the Bazaar booth from 8am-4pm. We will have a sign-up sheet for this at the December 2nd meeting, as well. Speed Church will be having a Lock-In on December 10th. If you are interested in going, please contact Regina. The cost for the Lock-In is $10.
Deposits for our Gatlinburg, TN trip on June 24-27, 2011, are due by December 16th. The deposite is $50 per person to hold your spot.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Don't forget Fall Product money is due by November 28th. Please contact Regina if you haven't yet.
We have a busy month coming up. Our December meetings will be December 2nd and 16th. Our Christmas party will be held during our December 16th meeting. Each girl will need to bring a $5 gift and a covered dish. We will pass around a covered-dish sign-up sheet at the December 2nd meeting.
Our Troop will also be adopting a less fortunate family for Christmas this year. We are making crafts to sell at the Holiday Bazaar on December 11th at Speed Church. This money will go towards caring for this family. We will also be accepting donations of can goods and toys. We will need Troop voluntees to work the Bazaar booth from 8am-4pm. We will have a sign-up sheet for this at the December 2nd meeting, as well. Speed Church will be having a Lock-In on December 10th. If you are interested in going, please contact Regina. The cost for the Lock-In is $10.
Deposits for our Gatlinburg, TN trip on June 24-27, 2011, are due by December 16th. The deposite is $50 per person to hold your spot.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!